Thursday, June 11, 2009

Predicter ch.14 Lexus

  1. I predict that Lina and Doon will find the way out cause of the title gives the reader a idea.
  2. I predict that if Doon and Lina tell people no one would care cause their kids.
  3. I predict that stuff start to happen to the city they will start to believe the kids about what they told them.

Questioner ch.13 julio

Why does Lina and Doon think there is a way out of Ember?

Why did Doon tell Lina about the door in the pipeworks?

WHy did Lina tell Doon about Lopper and Lizzie?

Clarifyer ch.13 Lexus

  1. Discourage- means the opposite of courage to not have courage.
  2. Puzzled- mean to be confused to be stuck, to not understand.
  3. Mumur- means almost a whisper, say underneath breath.

predictor ch.13 Myjanae

I predict that Doon,Lina, and Poppy have to go in a tunnel to get out of Ember.

I predict that when Doon, Lina, and Poppy gets out of Ember they will help the
people in Ember find the way out.

predictor ch.12 julio

I predict that will that Doon will try to help Lina with that letter.

I predict that Doon will try to explore the pipework.

I priedict that Doon will talk to Lopper aboout all the items and to stop.

Summarizer ch.12 Lexus

In chapter 12 I think that Lina and Doon will find a dreadful discovery in the pipes work cause of the title gives you a idea about the chapter. A
lso in that chapter Lina carried over twenty messages that day more messages then she ever had since she got that job, that's strange. What will happen in the pipes work, the city, the people, and
the supplies.

Questioner ch.12 Myjanae

Why is the Mayor stealing form Ember?

What will happen after Barton speaks to the chef guard will Lina and Doon get in trouble
because they think their lying ?

summarizer ch.11 julio

Lina saw Lizzie with new items so Lina ask Lizzie were she got it.Lizzie told Lina were she got it she said from Looper. Lina and Lizzie were talking about why does Looper give her all the items.Lizzie told Lina that she will tell Lopper if Lina can have some items.Lina refused the deal that Lizzie told Lina about the items of Lopper.

Qustioner CH.13 Victor

  1. Why did Doon and Lina care about arresting the mayor.
  2. Why haven't Doon and Lina steal the mayor yet.
lina said about a week ago lina had seen the man came out.
lina said that it had turned out to be easy.
Doon unded the pipe,remans nothing to do.
so lina said to Doon do you wants to take walk to tunnel 351 by the looked door.

Predictor ch.12 Victor

I predict that Lina and Doon know how has the key of the door they found.

I predict that Lina and Doon try to figure out the instructions.

Predictor ch.12 DAVID

I predict that they figure out the message.
I predict that Mayor Cole is going to be caught.
I predict that Barton Snode is also working with the mayor.

Summarizer CH.11 Victor

In the beginning Lina spent all morning with Mrs.Murdo's house. Before she went to work Mrs.Murdo showed Lina a small room for Lina and Poppy. Then Lina headed to work , but first she headed to the supply depot to see Lizzie. But the supply depot was full of people. Then Lizzie goes out side with some bags. Then she steps on her shoe lice and falls. Right after Lina help Lizzie up she leaves home. Right after Lina is leaves work she talk to Lizzie about the food she is steeling. Then Lizzie tell Lina if she wants some food for her, Mrs.Murdo, and Poppy. But Lina says no.

Summarizer Ch.13 Alexis

In this chapter Lina and Doon try to take another try at solving the message.Lina tells Clary about the message she found out what egreston means to exit .Lina went running to Doon house while she had timebefore the lights go out.She told him what the message means and they had a idea to try anothere door.Then they fall asleep waiting for the lights to turn on.

Predictor Chapter 13 HENRY

I predict that Doon will find the stone mark with E in the pipework.

I predict that Doon will let Lina enter the pipework again to look for the stone.

I predict that Clary will help Doon and Lina more often with the instruction.
lina said that she spent all day with mr.murdo.
lina said there was one couch and one fussy fat chair.
mr.murdo that his table was not wobbly like Doon or
linas looks.

mrs.murdo must not put lina thought,not just because she was
going to have them for dinner.lina sat sideways with her legs streght out and mrs.murdo coverd her with a blanket.

Clarifier Chapter 12 HENRY

Whom=what person,which person

Mounds=a pile or heap

Blob=a small,soft drop,stick lump

Predictor CH.11 DAVID

I predict that Looper and Lizzie would share with Ember.
I also predict that Lizzie likes Looper only for his looks.
I predict they will get in trouble for stealing.

Questioner Ch.12 Alexis

Why is the mayor stealing from ember?

Why couldn't the mayor share?

Why is the mayor so gready?

Questionair Ch.11 HENRY

Why did they forget about the stuff in the storeroom sometimes?

Why do you think Lina didn't take Lizzie's offer?

What would you do tell the people of ember about the supplies or keep the supplies to yourself?Check Spelling

Clarifier Ch.11 Alexis

Clarify:sturdy or strong

Announcement:act of announce

Wobbly:to move unsteady

Friday, June 5, 2009

Clarifyer ch.11 Myjanae

hoarse a sound rough and deep

Predictor ch.11 Lexus

Chapter 11
  • I predict that Lina have to live with Mrs.Murdo for a while.
  • I predict that Lina will not be her-self no more.
  • I predict that Lina will find a solution to help the city.

questioner ch.10 Myjanae

What's the thing Granny's grandfather lost ?

Why's Granny's breathing in a strange way ?

predictor Ch.10 Charisma

1.I predict that lina grandma will died.
2.i predict that lina and poppy will have to live with Mrs.Murdo.

I predict that Lina grandma will died.


Aware-to be alarm.

Frustrating-to not get it or very hard.

emerged-to get into something or inside some were.

Summarizer ch. 10 Lexus

In chapter ten Granny is sick and so Lina has to take of both poppy and granny at the same time. Lina is busy in this chapter cause she is trying to take care of granny cause she is sick and she has to take care of poppy sause she just a baby and she can't take care of her self and Lina is trying to find out wjy the city is falling apart so she has a lot to do. Thats whats going on in ch.10

Clarifyer ch.9 Myjanae

taunts to jeer at,to mock

hatt to stop from time

questioner ch.9 Julio

What is behind the door under the pipe works?

Were did Lina find Doon?

Why does Lina think there is another city beside Ember?

Predictor ch.9 Lexus

In chapter nine, I predict that doon and Lina will work together and they will find out the message that was in the special metal box and inside was the letter with fancy writing. I predict that doon will go down in the pipework and wonder of again and find another door that might be important. Last but not least I predict that Lina will find something else that might find something important.

Charisma ch.9 Summarizer

this chapter is about how lina needs to find doon cause she need to show him this important

paper because she thinks that he will finds it intresting but doon have already been finding intresting stuff like a cazy door up in the pipe works.o the next day lina went to go find doon cause she want to show him this paper later that day she found him he was in the library reading books.So when doon thought it was intersting they went to the pipe works and doon and lina went to the the door but it was lock and they could'nt get in so they left .

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Clarifier ch.9/David

Self-conscious:to be embrassed
Untidy:not fixed
Astonish:to be amazed


Self-conscious:to be embarrassed
Untidy:not fixed or not done
Astonish:to be amazed

quetioner ch.9 max

Lina saw Doon putting up a book back on the shelf.

Doon said that he saw her to when she turned around.

your father told me that you were here then Doon told Lina that Doon had something and that Doon said i want to show you this.

Predicter Ch. 9 ALEXIS

I predicted that Doon and Lina will get in big trouble by the mayor.

I predicted that they will find a door out of ember.

I predicted that someone will find out what Doon and Lina are doing.

Summarizer CH.9 Victor

In the begin Lina saw Doon in the library, so she ran to him. Then she told Doon about the instructions. When Lina went home her granny's shop was closed. Then Lina went up stairs she saw Ms.Murdo sitting by their window. Ms. Murdo said "That Lina's granny is sick". Then her and Doon went to her room to see the instructions. In the end Lina thinks about the instructions and the mystery that their trying to solve.

Questionair CH.9 Henry

What do you think is inside the door?

Why do you think the way the guy way of walking look familiar to Lina?

Where did the guy found the key?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

questioner ch.8 Myjanae

How will Lina,Poppy,and Doon get out of Ember?

They will use the instrution that Lina found.

Will they find out what all the words on the instrutions since Poppy chew them up.

Yes because Lina made a copy of them and Doon is helping her with the missing words.

clarifier ch.8 Julio

Fascination-like a charm of luck
Ripples-rip or tear apart

Predicter ch.8 Lexus

In the City of Ember I predict that Doon and Lina will find a way to save the city before their time is to a end. I also predict that Lina will find out the instruction to lead to the secret world or the secret pass way and save everybody before they will run out of supplies,power, and food. I predict that the secret door is instructions about how to fix the generator and save the city. I predict that Doon and Lina will save the city and find another city that Lina always dreamed of in her pictures she draw in her imagination. What will happen next?

Summarizer ch.8 Charisma

This chapter is about how doon had taken a wonder the Pipeworks alone cause he would go to his assigned tunnel, and do his job quickly once he got use to the tools on his tool belt.In the story to doon and lina are trying to save the city before they all doom to die.But it is up to doon and lina to save the city.


Lounged: to live in a lazy way

Groove: a long narrow channel made by tools

Hogwash: worthless stuff or nonsense

Summary ch.8 Max

They was because she don't feel like cleaning up piece. Doon did care about any of the pipeworkers because he was going to get stuck by the pipeworkers.

Predictor Ch.8 Alexis

I predict that Doon and Lina are going to become friends so they can save the city of ember.

Also I predict that if Lina and Doon don't save ember they are going to leave with their family in the real world.


Why do you think it's hard to find what you are looking for in the library?

Why do you think that Doon likes studying about bugs and is amazText Colored by them?


In the begin Doon was working in the pipework. Then he was wandering around the pipework. Next he found a door in the pipework and he try to open the door but it was lock. Doon went to the library to read about fire. But when he got the book the author knew a little bit less than Doon did. Then Doon got a book called "Mysterious Word From the Past". At the end Lina came to the library.